Words from… Aline and Ombeline Dequidt, cousins and Freskers

Dear Fresker,

Before being Freskers, we are first and foremost cousins. Aline was made aware of climate issues by her parents three years ago. She then had many discussions with her cousin Ombeline about her emerging questions, and Ombeline became involved in the cause. We’re now, respectively, blue belt and green belt in the making!

Our experiences with our families are very different: Aline’s parents are very sensitive to environmental issues, while Ombeline’s are less so and are only starting to comprehend their daughter’s concerns. Aline can talk about these subjects with her parents and brothers, while for Ombeline, it’s much more difficult.

Our fathers come from a family of seven children. So, we have a rather large family that we try to inform little by little. Our bias is to show our commitment through our actions without rushing them! Christmas is coming, and this period can be challenging. We wanted to share with you our compassionate but convincing approach. It’s one option, among others, that you can hear all about in this article.

Aline and Ombeline 

Climate Collage is now Climate Fresk!

We are still the same! We just changed our name ;)