Our ‘One Million’ milestone approaches: save the date!

The number on the counter keeps ticking up, and rising every day! The festivities are nearly here… So we set the date of April 5 to celebrate this milestone all together!

First of all: we go back to the Million questionnaire

Thank you SO much for all the ideas you shared via last month’s form. We had so many responses and were thrilled with the general enthusiasm. It seems like the community is keen to celebrate this big milestone and have a bit of a party! And, being Freskers, you want to put on some fresks, too, and raise climate awareness even more!

We received a lot of learnings and feedback about the Fresk in general, which we have passed onto various internal teams, including Deployment, Mobilisation, and Communication. They will be taking steps to incorporate your suggestions. We want to keep living up to your expectations and earning your trust.

We’ve taken note of several things: needs around support and equipment; requests for more support in seeking out and organising Fresks; and suggestions about how to bolster the community and promote the Fresk. One message was very clear: you want us to shout louder about the Climate Fresk and promote its achievements and impact even further. 

The Million milestone? The perfect moment to celebrate and fresk!

We are happy to announce that our festivities will begin on the 5th April. Put it in the calendar! If our projections are correct, we should hit the one million mark in just a few weeks’ time. The whole team is working hard to help this event be a moment of real community celebration. There will be honoured guests invited, and we will have a chance to celebrate our successes and look towards the future together.

There will be an online event so that as many of you as possible can join in. Look out for the invitation that will be heading your way in early March. We hope many of you will take part!

This event is only for the community and will not be open to the general public. The imminence of the Million must be kept confidential and we ask that you keep this information within the community. We will all start the external communication together from the day of the event only!

On the day of the ‘One Million’ celebration, communication materials will be available to help you share our community’s milestone far and wide. It’s a celebration but it’s also a great outreach opportunity. We’re not going to stop at just one million – this is just the beginning!

Looking forward to celebrating together, especially given all the hard work that this community puts in. 

Climate Collage is now Climate Fresk!

We are still the same! We just changed our name ;)