Discover the new version of the Climate Fresk cards!

V9.0 is officially available to order. The main change is the addition of the ‘Growing inequality’ card, which draws a clearer link between climate justice and social justice in the game.

What's new in this version?

The most important change is the brand new ‘Growing inequality’ card, which will allow Freskers to address the fundamental issues of climate justice and social justice during the workshop. Thierry Sifodil, blue belt, talks more about the new card and how it fits into the Fresk in this video.

Play Video

Version 9 also includes some changes to the card titles, images, and text of 18 other cards to improve the quality and accuracy of the workshop.

The four workshop phases have also been renamed:

  • The first phase is now called “Understanding” instead of “Reasoning” as to put an emphasis on the goal of this phase.
  • The second one, originally called “Creativity”, is now named “Creativity and summary” to draw attention to the importance of the few minutes of summary where participants have the opportunity to better grasp the overall dynamics of their freshly created Fresk.
  • The third phase, previously referred to as “Review,” is now “Emotions“: our decisions are greatly influenced by what we feel, not just by what we know, so it is crucial to focus on this aspect of the workshop. The problem must touch us, evoke emotion, since if it remains purely rational, we will not have sufficient motivation to act.
  • Finally, the last part, formerly known as “Debrief”, is renamed “Discussion” to better reflect the reality of this phase and use a more accessible term for everyone.

Finally, resources will be gradually updated to include the new card – the training materials will be ready by the end of the week. Click below to discover the memo, on which you can now find a V9.0 tab to switch between different versions according to the languages the V9.0 is already available in. Look out for a new version of the MOOC and the cheat sheet, which will both be released shortly!

How can I get the V9.0?

Two ways to order the new version of the Climate Fresk game: 

  1. Head over to our shop: the cards are available in French, English, German, Spanish, and Dutch and shipped to EU. All our cards are now printed on 100% recycled paper.
  2. Download it on this page, which is also accessible on the Resources tab on your facilitator space. If you prefer, you can keep using version 8.4 and just add in the new card. You can download the new ‘Growing Inequalities’ card on the same page, print it off, and add it to your existing packs, replacing ‘Thermohaline Circulation’.

We can’t wait to see how this new card comes to life in your hands!

V9.0 already available in multiple languages!

Thanks to the colossal support from country coordinators and volunteer translators, V9.0 has already been translated into 13 languages, and we are very excited about it! In addition to the previously mentioned languages available in the shop, V9.0 is also downloadable in Swedish, Arabic, Finnish, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Lithuanian, and Norwegian on this page.

It is currently being translated into an additional 13 languages: Italian, Chinese, Thai, Persian, Tamil, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Czech, Hungarian, Kazakh, Russian, and Turkish.

We would love to get the cards translated in more languages. Do you speak Korean, Danish, Greek, Hindi, Swahili… and would like to get involved with us? Fill in the following form to get in touch with us!

A huge thank you to everyone involved in this extensive task, showcasing the commitment of our communities around the world.

We can’t wait to see how this new card comes to life in your hands! 

Climate Collage is now Climate Fresk!

We are still the same! We just changed our name ;)