Juliette NOUEL

Member of the board since June 2020

As a green belt, Juliette would like to bring the development of Climate Fresk in working class neighbourhoods and among the most underprivileged populations. She initiated a working group to move in this direction (We will tell you more about this initiative in the newsletter soon!).

Her skills in verbal, written and audiovisual communication are an asset for the association, which is seeking to develop its reputation throughout the world. Her knowledge of current affairs and her critical mind as a journalist contribute to the quality of Climate Fresk.

Her specific interest: adaptation to climate change.

β€œIt is a largely unknown topic. Most people (including political and corporate leaders) have no idea what adaptation truly means. Sometimes, it is confused with mitigation, as highlighted in surveys conducted by the ADEME. We need to urgently understand what’s at stake with this topic, as repeatedly stressed by the UN and the High Council for Climate. It is also an excellent topic to educate about climate issues.”

Her little extras: Julie deciphers, popularises and shares the most complex news on global warming, including on social media. She hosts conferences on the subject of climate change.

Climate Collage is now Climate Fresk!

We are still the same! We just changed our name ;)